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Tips To Master The Perfect Yoga Shoot

Yoga is an expression of strength and grace. As we progress through our practice, it’s natural to celebrate our hard work by documenting and sharing our achievements.  And what better place to share the achievements of your yoga journey than Social Media.  Here are a few ways to master the perfect yoga shoot.

5 Tips To Master The Perfect Yoga Shoot

  1. Pick a great location. If you’re on vacation take the opportunity of having an exotic backdrop for your pose. Beaches, waterfalls, mountains, and open fields make for wonderful settings.
  2. Use Burst Mode on your Camera or Smartphone. Doing this will ensure you don’t miss any adjustments or peak moments of your pose. It also gives you options to select the best shot before posting.
  3. Make sure to warm up before taking photos, or take them after  you practice.  Taking a few minutes to properly prepare your body will help prevent injury and will also make for deeper, more complete expressions of the poses in your photos.
  4. Pick a great angle. The angle from which your yoga pose is viewed can often make or break a photo. Before shooting, consider what you’re trying to achieve with the photo and choose the best angle. 
  5. Look for the light.  Aim for sunlight shining from behind the camera rather than coming from behind you. If it’s overcast, that’s great,  overcast softens harsh shadows that direct sunlight can cast on your face. 

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